
Monday, November 24, 2014

Happy Monday Everyone!!!!!!!

How are you this November 24, 2014?  Thanksgiving is almost here, just three more days.  Is everyone ready for their big feast?  I am hoping for some turkey, mashed potatoes, baked corn, and some pumpkin pie!!! I hope each of you have a very Happy Thanksgiving this coming Thursday with your family and friends.
I want to share three cute Thanksgiving books with you today.  I hope you will share them with a child this week.  I know they will love them :)

The Night Before Thanksgiving
Natasha Wing
This is a really cute book  about one of America's favorite holidays.  This would be a book for young children.  

Thanksgiving is for Giving Thanks
Margaret Sutherland

This is a great book for the real meaning of Thanksgiving. I would suggest it for younger children .  

10 Fat Turkeys
Tony Johnston

This silly rhyming story about ten turkeys teaches children how to count backwards.

"Looky!" says a silly turkey swinging from a vine.
Gobble gobble wibble wobble.
Whoops! Now there are nine.
Children will love this rhyming book.
Happy Reading and Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Happy Friday Everyone!!!!!

It is rather a dreary day here in the midwest.  It is cloudy. cool and raining.  It is cozy and warm in my home though and I am very thankful for that.  My daughter and I have put up our trees.  We have three trees this year in our living room.  There is one 6 foot tall tree and two small ones.  We made a memory tree this year the first year we have ever done that.  I have ornaments that my mother made with pictures of my parents, grandparents, and my daughter Stacey.  We miss each one of them so we thought it  would be nice to remember them with a special tree.  The rest of the tree is decorated with angels.  So the trees help to make it cozy and warm in our house.  I hope your house is warm and cozy this November day.
Today I would like to share another Thanksgiving  book with you.  I hope you will get to share it with a child before Thanksgiving arrives.

A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving
Charles M.  Schulz

Who doesn't love Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Linus, and the gang?  Everyone loves Charlie Brown I think.
In this story Peppermint Patty invites herself, and two friends to Charlie's house for Thanksgiving dinner.  Charlie tried to tell them he is going to his grandmother's house for Thanksgiving but he never gets it out.  So Linus and Snoopy help him plan a Thanksgiving dinner for his friends before he goes to his grandmother's house.  The fun part of the book is to see what they fix for the dinner. Kids will love that part.  It has a really great ending and it does help children to know what Thanksgiving is about and how we should celebrate it.  It is a great story and will be enjoyed by all the kids.  So I hope you get a chance to share it with a child before Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

OOps !!!!! I forgot the website on my last post for the author of Mary's First Thanksgiving.
Here it is:
Happy Wednesday Everyone

How are you today?  Have you been reading any good books?  If so I wish you would share some with us on the blog.  Just post a comment and tell us what you are reading.  We all would like to read a good book. :)
Today I want to share a great children's book that I just loved.  I had never read it before.  The author did an excellent job and has written several books.  So I hope to read some of them too.  Please share this wonderful book with a child today.  :):)

Mary's First Thanksgiving
Kathy-jo Wargin

This is an inspirational story of gratefulness.  Mary and her mother and father have come to America from Ireland.  Mary wishes she was back home in Ireland where her friends and her family are .  She doesn't have any friends and her family doesn't have much food or money . She complains to her mother and father about being in America and her father tells her the story about the Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving.  He tells her how little the pilgrims had when they got to America and how many died and if it hadn't been for the Indians all of them would have died.  There were many times when the pilgrims barely had enough food to survive.  But five kernels of corn helped the Pilgrims survive and make their faith stronger.  Will the story of the five kernels inspire Mary to find a reason to have faith to?
Please share this inspirational story with a child before Thanksgiving comes next week.

Here is some information about the author and gives you information about more of her books.  I think you will enjoy each of them.  Happy Reading!!!!!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Happy Monday Friends

How is everyone on this cold sunny day here in the midwest?  I am sorry I haven't written for awhile but had to do some health tests and I just wasn't feeling well .  I hope everyone is enjoying this time leading up to the Thanksgiving Season.  I have been writing in my journal about what I am thankful for this month.  Today I am very thankful for heat that warms my house on this cold day.  I am also thankful for my family and a loving God.  The trees sure were beautiful this year and I miss their many colors.  I would like to share a few Thanksgiving books before Thanksgiving.  There are some really good ones to share with your children or grandchildren.  I am going to share one today that tells the story of the first Thanksgiving which is a good place to start.  I think it is important for the children to know about the history of their country. So I hope you will share some good books about the First Thanksgiving at this special holiday season.

The True Story of The First Thanksgiving
Colleen Adams

The book starts off with What is Thanksgiving?  The author explains there are many myths about how the first Thanksgiving was celebrated.  We do  kn owfor sure that the pilgrims and the Wampanoag Indians held the first Thanksgiving in the fall of 1621.
The Pilgrims left England on a ship called the Mayflower on September 16,1620. They came to America for freedoms they did not have in England.
This book gives the facts about the first Thanksgiving and has some good pictures to go with the writing.  I found many interesting facts reading the book especially that probably the pilgrims and Indians did not eat turkey at the First Thanksgiving but probably they ate deer, duck, and some seafood.
It wasn't until 1863 that President Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving the last Thursday of November. 
This would be a good book to share with children in the 2nd to 5th grade.  There are many facts you could discuss with the children about the First Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving today.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Happy November Everyone!!

It is a beautiful day here in the midwest but a little windy.  I did some reading before I went to church this morning.  I am reading You Can You Will by Joel Osteen.  I enjoy his books very much.  I was reading the chapter about Serving Others and thought this month is a great month for helping others and being thankful for all the blessings  God has given me and my family.. I am sure each of you have much to be thankful for too!!  When I was teaching I had my children make a turkey at the beginning of the month of November and they would make feathers out of different colored construction paper  and write things they were thankful for and when they were finished we would hang them in the hall.  The kids loved making them and enjoyed thinking of what they were thankful for.  It is a fun activity and would be great to do at home and put on the refrigerator or a special place in your home that you could see all month.  It really helped the kids think of what they were thankful for.  So I hope each of you will make turkeys this month.
Also, I would like to recommend Joel Osteen's book You Can, You Will.  It is a great inspirational book for young adults and older adults.  Check it out at your nearby library or bookstore.
Hope you enjoy this month and read some good books.

There are some great turkey craft ideas on Pinterest.  You could check those out too.
Happy Reading!!!!!