
Friday, August 21, 2015

Hello My Friends

How is everyone and how did your week go?  Has your child or grandchild started school yet?  They are on their second week here where I live. I love this time of year and even football started tonight.  I love fall and I welcome the thought that it will be here soon.
I have another cute book to share about school starting today.  I loved this book and  it was a new find for me. Young children will enjoy this book and it is so cute.  I hope you will share it with your child or grandchild this week.   Children love to hear their parents or grandparents read to them.  So share a good book with them this weekend. :)

The Most Unbelievable First Day of School
Cecilia Minden and Joanne Meier

This is a cute story about a family of bears getting ready for the first day of school.  The main character is Herbie, a skateboarding, peanut-butter loving, adventurous young bear.
In the beginning it is the first day of school and Herbie doesn't want to get up for school until his brother Hank comes in to tell him that Mom is making peanut-butter pancakes.  So Herbie gets up and puts on his favorite clothes and goes to eat breakfast.  Dad is a math teacher and sports coach who encourages the children to enjoy their first day of school and learn all they can.  Herbie has a vivid imagination that he enjoys using on that first day of school.  He meets his friends, Michael and Kim at the bus stop and everyone is excited about the big day.  Herbie has a bandage on his arm from where he hit the table but his imagination takes him on a ride on a skateboard  with his friend Michael and some bees. :)   On the bus Kim and Michael ask Herbie what he brought for lunch and Herbie looks in his backpack and discovers that he forgot his lunch which starts another imagined adventure on how to get his lunch.  So when the children arrive at school there is a big commotion going on at school.  What will Herbie, the teachers, and the kids find out about all the school pets?  How does Herbie become the hero of his class?  Please read this cute book to find out the exciting ending.
Happy Reading!!!

There are more books by these two authors.  So check them out!!!
See you next time!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Happy Monday Everyone!

 How is everyone today?  Has your child went back to school yet?  If not I bet they will soon.
Most of the schools in my area either went back to school last week or will this week.
I love this time of year and when I was teaching I loved getting my classroom ready for my students.
It is a wonderful time for teachers and students.
I have found some cute Back-to-School books that parents or grandparents can share with their child or children to help them get back in the mood for school.
The one I am going to share today is a cute book and there are three other books about Betsy going back to school.  So check them out too especially if you have a child in the first, second, and fourth grades.

Back to School with Betsy
Carolyn Haywood

Betsy is excited about back to school and being in third grade until she realizes that her favorite teacher is getting married and won't be teaching anymore. But things change quickly for Betsy with a new teacher, new things to learn, a wedding, and a new neighbor in the spooky house next door.
Betsy and her friends have a wonderful school year with many activities and even one big surprise that Betsy thinks is the most" wonderfullest"  thing that ever happened.  So check out this cute book about going into third grade. This is a chapter book  so you and your child could read it together.
Happy Reading!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Hello Friends!!!!

How are all of you?  I have been busy with some things and I haven't been able to write on my blog for a few weeks.  I hope to be back now because my favorite time of the year is coming, FALL!!!!! Is everyone ready for fall like me?
School started today where I live so fall is just around the corner.  I miss getting my room ready and meeting my new students at the beginning of the new school year.  I loved teaching and everyone of my students were very special to me.  So I wish all the parents and especially the children a great year when your school starts.  I hope your children will love their teacher and love reading.  Both of those are very important.  I loved shopping for new school supplies every year for my children and my students.  I still buy a few. :) 
I thought I would share a great Back to School book that you might want to share with a young child going off to Kindergarten to 4th Grade.  I am sure they would enjoy this  cute book about Arthur and DW's  first day of school.

Arthur's Back-To-School Surprise
Marc Brown

Who doesn't love Arthur and his family and friends?  I love the Arthur books.  I would suggest checking them out for your child.  Arthur and Dw are out school shopping with their mom for the first day of school.  They go to the store and buy a  binder, crayons,pencils, pens, etc. for school.  Mom tells them to pick out a backpack and they have a problem because they both want a Bionic Bunny backpack.  They end up buying one for Arthur and DW too since she won't pick another one.  After that they get some new shoes and clothes and head home.  Arthur fills his new backpack with his school  supplies and DW  fills her backpack with Mary Moo-Cow!!!  The next morning they eat breakfast and mom says time to go and they both pick up their backpacks and head to the car.  Something happens at school with the backpacks which turns out to be a surprise for Arthur.
 Check out this cute Back to School book and share it with your children before school starts for them.
They will enjoy it. 

Happy Reading and Happy Back to School to the teachers and students!!!