
Saturday, November 7, 2015

Hello Everyone!
How is everyone doing?  I am sorry I haven't been here in awhile but had some health issues and have been busy with some other things.  We lost our friend Hotshot in September and we have really missed him.  He was such a good friend to our family.  We now have a new addition Sassi.  She will show you how much she loves reading in this blog post. :):)  She is a sweetheart but nothing like our friend Hotshot.  She is fearless and we call her "Little Tornado."
I would like to share a book today called, " Ballet Kitty Christmas Recital," by
Bernette Ford and Sam Williams.
This is the book Sassi liked. :)

The book is about a kitty called Ballet Kitty and her friend Pussycat.  They are looking forward to the Christmas recital at Mademoiselle Felicity's Ballet School.  They can choose their own parts, but the problem is that both of them want to be the Sugar Plum Fairy in the Nutcracker.  Mademoiselle Felicity only needs one Sugar Plum Fairy and how will they decide which one will get the part.  I love the way that Ballet Kitty and Pussycat solve their problem.  It is a heartwarming story and the little dancers learn that their friendship is more important to them than anything else.
I believe all girls will love this story and if they love kittens it will be even better.
Please share this book with a child and maybe even a kitten or cat would enjoy hearing it read to them.  It is a good way for children to read to share a book with an animal friend.

Sassi says hello and please read a good book to a child this week.
Happy Reading!!!!!