
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Happy Saturday Everyone!!!

It is snowing!!!! We might get up to six inches of snow by tomorrow so Winter is not ready to leave yet.  So I believe March will come in like a lion tomorrow.  So I am hoping by March 20 it will be spring!!  I am so ready for it.  How about you ?  Are you ready for spring? Today I would like to share a few Cinderella books as I finish Cinderella week.  Don't forget to go see the new Cinderella Movie on March 10 at the theater.  I think it will be great.

I am going to put on a few books you might check out about Cinderella.  I hope you have had a chance to share Cinderella with a child this week.  Next week I want to share some about the American Girl Books.  Does your daughter or granddaughter have an American Girl Doll?  I would even love to have one!!!! :)

Cinderella Books to check out at your library and of course there are many Cinderella type movies out there too.

Enjoy your weekend and the snow if you are getting some.  
Happy Reading!!!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Happy Wednesday Friends!!!

How is everyone today?  I hope you are having a wonderful day.
I wanted to share another Cinderella book with you today.

Cinderella in the City
Cari Meister
This one is really cute and a whole different story about Cinderella.
Cinderella, you know the story well flash forward. Cindy wants to enter the royal  dance contest. But she'll need a little help from her fairy godmother if she wants a fairy tale ending to her night out on the town.  So check out this cute modern day Cinderella story and enjoy it with a child.  This book  is a Level 2 Reader from Scholastic Books and would work for a first or second  grade student to read.

See you on Friday with another Cinderella book.  I can't wait to see the new Cinderella Movie coming out on March 11. 2015.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Happy Monday Everyone!!!

How are you today?  It is another cold day here in the midwest.  It was 10 degrees here this morning and a very cold wind.  Winter is still here but there are only 25 days till the first day of spring.  I am really looking forward to that.  I have decided I no longer like cold weather. :) I hope it is warmer wherever you are in this big wide world.
This week I want to share some different Cinderella books since on March 13, 2015 the new Disney Cinderella movie comes out in theaters.  I am excited to see it since is a live action movie and I watched the trailer and I think it looks really good.  I love Cinderella and I have since I was a little girl.  I hope you will have a chance to see it too if you are a Cinderella fan .
Check out this trailer to see what you think.
Please share a Cinderella story with a young girl today.  Never forget the magic she brings into a young girl's life.
I would suggest reading the orginal Cinderella first before you read other versions of Cinderella.

The book for today is
Cinderella is My Babysitter
Andrea Posner-Sanchez

This is a Little Golden book.  Do you still have some of those from your childhood?  I do and guess what Cinderella is one of them. :)
In this story Cinderella's fairy Godmother  comes to the palace garden where Cinderella is watering the palace garden.  She asks Cinderella if she will babysit her niece for a little bit while the Fairy Godmother plans a surprise for her niece.  Cinderella agrees and the Fairy Godmother takes out her magic wand and says, " Bibbidi, bobbidi, boo. "  Eliza her niece appears.  Eliza asks Cinderella if she can help her water the garden.  Cinderella says,"yes, of course."  So Eliza takes out her magic wand and says, "Bibbidi, bobbidi, spray."  Then a magic spray can comes out and waters the whole garden much to the delight of Cinderella and Eliza.   Then an amazing thing happens to the flowers . They were growing really fast from the magic water from the spray can . Then Eliza says,"see what else I can do."  Then Eliza says, Bibbidi, bobbidi, move" to the animal topiaries and they begin to move.  Then Gus and Jaq come out to see all the excitement and then the topiary elephant sees the mice.  
I will not finish the story because I would like for you to get the book and find out with your child what happens.

It is a really cute story and young girls will love it.  So pick one up today or check it out at your local library but every child should have a few Golden Books to save.
See you Wednesday with a new Cinderella book.
Check out some of the Little Golden Books you can buy.  I have several of these on this list and so does my daughter.

The Three Little Kittens was one of my favorites as a child and of Cinderella.. :)
Please hare yours with us on the blog.
See you Wednesday

Friday, February 20, 2015

Happy Friday Friends!!

It is another cold winter day here at my home.  There is more bad weather on the way this evening. Well, all I can say is 30 days till spring!!!!  
Today I read a wonderful book about cats.  I can't believe that I have never read this book before.  It was wonderful!!!  The book was first published over  fifty years ago and it is a Caldecott Medal winner.  I hope you will check it out at your local library and read it to a child this week.  They will love it if they love cats.  I loved it and I am not a child .:)
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and the weather is good wherever you are.
I suggest some hot chocolate and a good book to share with a child.
Enjoy and Happy Reading!!

April's Kittens
Claire Turlay Newberry

There was a nice little girl named April who lived in New York City with her mother,her father, and a black cat named Sheba.
 April and her parents lived in a small apartment there. April's father called it a "one cat" apartment.  He often warned Sheba about having a family. :)  But Sheba did not listen and went ahead and had three kittens one day.  All April wanted to do was sit on the floor by the box and watch the kittens and Sheba.  April's father told April's mother that three cats had to go.   April's mother said they had a few weeks before they could get out of the box and then they would decide what to do. April and her mother decided the kittens needed names but they couldn't decide on what to name them.  Then one day April's father said," these kittens need names," and so he named them.  He named  the black one Charcoal.  He named the tiger striped one Butch, and he named the white faced one Brenda.  Now all the kittens had names and April's father said now they all needed a good home. April did not want them to go and she cried but her mother said she could keep a kitten and give away Sheba if she wanted.  April thought that might be the thing to do.  The kittens learned to eat from a bowl and were ready to go to new homes.  So April's mother invites a neighbor over with a little boy and the little boy picks Butch and takes him home.  Then a neighbor lady with two cats decides to take Charcoal.  So now there are only two cats left, Brenda and Sheba.  Mother says that Sheba can go to the country to live with their aunt and April could keep Brenda.  What will April do?  Will she choose Brenda or Sheba to stay with her?
Please read this wonderful story about April's Kittens to see who April chooses.
I highly recommend this book to all cat lovers.
Of course Hotshot recommends it too!!  He is sleeping in his house and staying warm .
Happy Reading!!!!
Check out this site to see some of Clare's drawings of beautiful cats.

Hotshot says," he hopes you have enjoyed the books about cats this week and hope you will come back on Monday as we start a week of Cinderella books. " Did you know a new Cinderella movie is coming out March 2015?  I love Cinderella so I am excited to see the new movie.
Happy Reading!!!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Happy Thursday!!!

Well my friends it is snowing and snowing hard and Hotshot and I are trying to stay warm as we watch the snow falling outside.  It is 17 degrees here today so very cold too. Hotshot is in his house and peeking out the hole to see the snow.  I don't see any birds at the birdfeeder.  It must be to cold for them.  How is the weather where you are today?  Have you read any good books that you would like to share?   Please share them with us in the comment section of this blog.  
I am going to share another Cat book today.  I love cats and especially my friend, Hotshot.

Cats, Cats, Cats
Leslea Newman

In a great big house on the edge of town lives a tiny old woman named Mrs. Brown.  She didn't have children or brothers or sisters .  She didn't have chickens, or rats, Mrs. Brown had cats, cats, and more cats. Cats were everywhere in Mrs. Brown's house. There were black cats, white cats, gray cats, and tall cats, short cats and fat and lean cats. Striped cats, spotted cats, large and small.  Mrs. Brown loved them all. She loved everything about the cats. When nighttime came at Mrs. Brown's house she would put out 60 bowls of cat food. Then she would pat each cat on the head and march straight up to bed.  As soon as Mrs. Brown began to snore the fun began with cats. So check out this funny cute book about Mrs. Brown's cats.  You want to see what they do when Mrs. Brown is fast asleep.
This is a great book and has really funny illustrations of all the cats.  The children will love this fun book about cats.  Check it out at you local library for a fun reading time with your child.

Hotshot is staying warm in his bed this cold snowy day.
Happy Reading my friends!!!
Stay warm!!!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Happy Snow Day !!!

Well, my friends we finally had some snow overnight where I live.  It is very pretty out today with all the white.  My bird feeder was covered in snow this morning so Hotshot and I didn't see many birds this morning.  Hotshot is our cat and I believe I have written about him before on this blog.  He loves looking out the sliding glass door at the birds.   How many of you have a cat or are a cat lover?  I have always loved cats and had one most of my life.  Hotshot has been with us 6 years and is a rescue cat and he has diabetes.  He almost died about 6 months ago when we found out he had diabetes but we are so thankful to God and his vet for him still being with us.  We love him very much.
So I thought this week I would share some children's books about cats.  So if you are a cat lover or your child is you should enjoy this week of books. So let's enjoy some books about some cats!!!

Ballet Kitty
Bernette Ford and Sam Williams

Ballet Kitty wakes up in the pink but can't find her ballet slippers.  She knows she can't dance in her sneakers so she worried what she will do. She looks and looks for the ballet slippers but can't find them.  Finally, she finds out she can still dance and do her curtsies without her ballet slippers.  This is a really cute book especially if you love cats and  ballet. 

Ballet Kitty 
Ballet Class
Bernette Ford and Sam Williams

Ballet Kitty woke up as happy as can be.  She was pink and so were all her ballet clothes.  Today was the first day of her real ballet class.  She was so excited!  Ballet Kitty and her best friend Pussycat were taking the ballet class together. Princess Pussycat had on her lilac slippers, her lilac princess gown and cape and her jeweled crown.  Also, going to ballet class was Ginger Tom. Ginger Tom was wearing black shorts and white t-shirt but he had sneakers on his big feet.  Oh my!!!!  Ballet Kitty told Ginger Tom he couldn't dance in those shoes.  Ginger Tom says, "he doesn't care, he didn't want to go to ballet class anyway."
Mademoiselle Felicity clapped her hands and the children formed a circle. The three friends did everything the teacher said to do. Ginger Tom though was having trouble doing the things the teacher was doing.  Princess Pussycat and Ballet Kitty helped Ginger Tom up and they did all the positions that the teacher showed them.  See what happens to Ginger Tom in the ballet class and who becomes his partner.
Both of these books are so cute and girls who love cats and ballet will love them and maybe even a boy would enjoy the part about Ginger Tom.  So check out both books at your local library.

This is our friend, Hotshot the cat.  He says,"HELLO."
See you Wednesday!!

Happy Reading!!!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Good afternoon My Friends!!

I thought I would do my blog post today since tomorrow morning I have to go to the dentist. (UGH)  I am enjoying the sunshine coming in my office window along with Hotshot (our cat).  He enjoys the sun just like I do.  I hope each of you are enjoying this Valentine week.  I hope you have been reading some books on love to your children.  I have one more Valentine book to share with you today.  I hope you will check it out and read it to a child this weekend.
I hope everyone  will have a wonderful Valentine's Day and receive lots of Valentine's.  Be sure my friends to share some love with your family and friends this Valentine's Day.
Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

Tucker's Valentine
Leslie McGuirk

Tucker's owner tells him that Valentine's Day is all about love.   Tucker knows their are lots of things that he loves like his dog food,his Frisbee, his stuffed piggy,and bubbles from a jar.  But Valentine's Day is also when Cupid  flies around shooting his love arrows.  Cupid has his eye on Tucker this year.  Cupid aims his arrow at Tucker but he misses him. Cupid does not give up easily so he keeps trying to shoot Tucker with the arrow of love.  Cupid keeps missing Tucker.  Tucker sees Cupcake next door and Cupid thinks that it is time to try to shoot Tucker again with the love arrow.  So check out Tucker's Valentine and see what happens .  Will Cupid finally shoot Tucker with the love arrow or not?  
This is a really cute book that children will love.  You could also have the kids make their own book of things they love and draw pictures of them. Children love to make books and to draw.  It would be a great Valentine Day Activity.
Check out this blog for more books about Valentine's and love.  These are great children's book too.
Happy Reading and have a Happy Valentine's Day with your loved ones.
See you Monday!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Happy Wednesday!!!!!
I hope you are having a fabulous day wherever you live no matter the weather.  It is rather dreary here today but I am listening to Kenny G and writing to you, my friends so the day is good.  I did some reading today in my scriptures and I enjoy that.  I also read a really cute children's book on love I want to share with you today and I have one more for Friday.  I hope you are sharing some good books with your children or grandchildren this week.  Reading is so important to us all but especially children to get them started on the right path of being a good reader and having the joy of reading all their lives.  So please share a good book with a child this week and Happy Reading to each of you. :):)

There's No One I Love Like You
Jutta Langreuter

Brayden Bunny doesn't feel like picking up his toys or washing his whiskers.  He decides it would be much easier to live with his friends so he decides to leave his home and try living with his friends. First, he goes to stay with his friend,Missy Mouse but Missy's house is too messy. So he says goodbye and heads to Benny Badger's house. He has fun there with Benny but Benny's house smells funny.  So he says goodbye and heads to Fipsi Squirrel's house but her house is too high.  At last Brayden Bunny visits his Cousin Pepi. Everything was delightful at Pepi's house  but a strange lump comes up in Brayden's throat.  He keeps saying ,"I am staying here," but he keeps thinking there is something or someone I miss very much.  Who could that person be?  Check out this lovely book and find out who Brayden misses.
This is a wonderful book about friends and family and how we miss them and love them.

See you Friday my friends.
Happy Reading!!!!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Happy Monday Everyone!!!!

How is everyone this Monday afternoon?  It is cloudy and cooler here today but spring is coming in 38 days. :):)
So, I will enjoy having cool but not freezing weather even if Mr. Sun is not out today.
Ohhhhhhh, it is Valentine's Week. I am excited! I love Valentine's Day!!!
I think this is a great week to share books about love with children.  I have a really cute one about animals. I hope you will share it with a child this week.  Maybe even make some homemade Valentines which are fun and children love to make them.

Jonathan Emmett

This book is about two mice named Littletail and Longtail. The mice were playing in the fields  running and chasing each other through the fields.  The played "hide and seek",  They played several games in the forest and finally Littletail was tired so they went home.  "I love you, Littletail, said Longtail as he kissed her goodnight. Littletail said,"you always say that."  Longtail said, "Do I always? Well , that will be forever." "I love you always and forever," said Longtail.
This book would make a great bedtime story for a child and then you can share how you will love them always and forever.  This book also has great illustrations.  The children will love it .
So check it out at your nearest library and Happy Reading!!!

See you Wednesday!  Happy Reading till then!!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Happy Thursday Everyone!!
We are sunny and cold today and the snow was pretty but I believe it will all be gone by tomorrow.  We will have weather in the 50's tomorrow.  I am happy about that.
It is 9 days till Valentine's Day now.  I made valentines yesterday for the Children's hospital in our city.  I will send them out tomorrow.  I loved making them and I hope the children will enjoy them.  It would be a great project for a classroom to do or an at home project.  My students and I used to do it when I was teaching.  They loved making valentines and so do I.
Today I have a wonderful book to share with you and I hope you will share it with a child in the next few days.

I Love You More
Laura Duksta

I Love You More is a children's picture book that generates the conversation of Love.  The story of I Love You More is expressed through a conversation between a mother and her son but could be applied to all relationships. It is a great book to share with a child. The book starts with a little boy walking outdoors with his mother one day.  He asks her the question,"Mommy, just how much do you love me?"  His mother smiles and says, "I love you higher than the highest bird ever flew, I love you taller than the highest tree ever grew, I love you longer than the longest path ever wound."  She continues with several more illustrations of her love for her son. When she finishes her son wraps his arms around her and says, "know what mommy?.... I Love You More!!!" Then the book  flips and the mommy asks the little boy the same question, "So how much do you love me?  The little boy replies, "I love you quieter than the quietest caterpillar ever creeped." The boy continues to give  examples until the end when his Mommy says, " I love you more."
What a wonderful  book with great illustrations that children will absolutely love.  Please check it out at your local library and share it with a child you love this Valentine's season.

Happy Reading!!! See you soon!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Hello     Friends!!!

Well, unfortunately Phil saw his shadow yesterday so 6 more weeks of winter but I am  excited because there 44 days till the first of spring. But tomorrow we are in a winter advisory where I live.  So I am enjoying the  50 degree weather today.
Also, I am excited because this is the month of one of my favorite holidays.  I love Valentine's Day!! I have loved it since I was a child and my daughter and I are making valentines for our local children's hospital.  I love making them and all my students loved doing it too.  Today I was reading a book from the library about how it came about that we celebrate Valentine's Day.  I learned several things I did not know.  I was thinking this would be a good book to share with a child about why we celebrate.  So I hope you and your child will enjoy it as you think about making or buying Valentines for your Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day
Dana Meachen Rau

This is a true book or nonfiction book.    I enjoyed the part about the legends of St. Valentine and how the day became known as Valentine's Day.  I also found it quite interesting the things that women did in olden times to find a sweetheart.  Do you know who is credited with sending the first valentine to someone?  It was a Frenchman named Duke Charles of Orleans. He was a prisoner in the Tower of London in 1415.  The Duke wrote many love letters and poems to his wife.  In them, he often mentioned St. Valentine. In Europe in the 1600's people began sending each other valentines that they made themselves. They attached ribbons, bows, and lace to decorate them.  Also, Esther Howland was the first person to create valentines in the United States and sell them.  Did you know that February 14 is one of the busiest holidays for the post office?  More than one billion valentine's are sent each year.
What a really interesting book!!
I hope you will share it with a child so they will understand why we give each other beautiful Valentines.

Hope you will enjoy reading this book and making some Valentines with your child or grandchild.

Happy Reading!!!!!